Hi guys,
Its been over 3y since I got my sweetheart which I wanted for over 2y before I finally got it.

I love this baby sooo much
L. telipogoniflora. The one species to RULE the entire orchid family for me. The be all and end all. You know, sometimes u get a plant that you wanted for so long, but you start loosing the burning desire you had for it. For me...never..L. telipogoniflora is the one plant I would choose if I could only have one orchid.
another shot...
back in the day when I first got this...a member here known as littlemonkey or someone sent me a bit of moss that unfortunately dried by the time i got it. I don't if that is the moss which u see near the plant. But...I have two kinds of moss on this mount. No idea how...but I love them both.

lol. Looks nice.
And a very very recent acquisition...just starting to grow...I was a bit worried about this baby.
L. calodictyon
Then...the most prolific orchid I ever had. Seriously....insanely fast plant in my collection. Especially with this being in a highland tank...this thing outpaces eveyrthing in my collection.
L. gargoyla
Don't know how to seperate that aerial leaf offshoot you see growing. Where do I cut it? how do I root it? would be nice as a trade .

lol..for more lepanthes.. lol
Then...a foreigner in the alliance...also my first blooming
Masdevillia patula
And some foreign audience who are always 'mouth gaping' to see my cute little L. telipogoniflora
This is how they react.
They need to close their mouths...or flies may enter...(lol...they are actually waiting for that to happen.
