Originally Posted by orchidvalley
I like seeing all the different mini orchids. My growing space is getting tight so I would love to find some minis that would grow in my conditions. My temps are cool (winter 60-68, other areas of the house are a bit warmer) humidity varies depending on where you are in the house. Light is any east, west or south window. In the summer I have the use of an unheated greenhouse. What would work for me?
Hi Orchidvalley, I suggest you look into some of the smaller nobile-type dendrobiums. Four of my favorites are moniliforme, unicum, loddigesii, and parishii. They all like cool, dry, bright winters (I stick mine in a bright window in a drafty room and occasionally water them) and moist, bright, warm summers. They're very floriferous and the flowers are fragrant and long-lasting. Hybrids of these species tend to be even easier, some of the nicer ones I've seen are Stardust, Princess, Pixie Charm, Yellow Chinsai, Ise, and Kokomo. There are also many other small-to-mini Dendrobium species that you could grow, including jenkinsii, lindleyi, aberrans, and oligophyllum.
Among other genera I'd suggest Cattleya (Sophronitis) cernua, Isabelia pulchella, Encyclia bractescens, Prosthechea (Encyclia) mariae, and Neofinetia falcata. I've grown all of these successfully with winter night temps as cool as 50 F with no problems, just make sure you water in the morning when nights are cool. Some of these I grow mounted, but Encyclia bractescens and Neofinetia falcata are both easy in well-drained pots. Hope this helps!