Such a long name for a little plant. It was given by Brenda @ Botanica Ltd. at the show in March. This is THE SMALLEST orchid I have. I wish I could take a close-up picture of the flower.
__________________ Naoki
Last edited by mollycart1; 06-12-2010 at 07:15 PM..
What a tiny orchid! It's name is much bigger than it is. If you hadn't put the photo with the key for size reference, I was imagining this plant much bigger. You practically need a magnifying glass to see it!
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
Very, very cute! I agree with Camille thanks for thinking of putting the key in the photo! I love white flowers and I want one now!! - does it have a scent?
Thanks for posting!
It seems to like 'high light' condition. I water it every day along with my Vandas.
Originally Posted by nenella
Very, very cute! I agree with Camille thanks for thinking of putting the key in the photo! I love white flowers and I want one now!! - does it have a scent?
Thanks for posting!
I wish I could get a closer picture. Yes, it does have a light scent.