Do you guys have any of these? They're all going to be considered vivarium candidates.
Scaphosepalum rapax
The flowers on this guy remind me of Little Shop of Horrors!
Restrepia elegans
I'm not seeing too much root growth on this one yet but it's got a few good leaves so no worries. This is my first Restrepia.
Encyclia(Dinema)(Epidendrum) polybulbon - and I though my other hobbies had taxa that changed too fast
This one is looking good with 4 mature bulbs and 2 new growths.
Pleurothallis allenii
Last but certainly not least is this little guy. It has spots on most of the older growth but they appear to be sun spots. I have it in lower light and the new leaves look nice and healthy. The newest leaf uncurled a pretty purplish color. I can't wait for this one to flower.
Thanks for looking,