Hibiki (for me) is even easier than laevifolium, I would recommend that of the two. And either before cuthbertii or it's children, unless you live in the US north or cooler

It's been a few years since I killed my laevifolium, but culture should be similar as Hibiki below. Yes, I umm stopped watering in a spate of 'tired of this' 4 or 5 years ago and haven't replaced it (and probably won't). It wasn't it's fault, it was mine.
Hibiki has been trouble free to grow from a 1 1/2 inch pot size with 2-4 inch culms to flowering over the last 2 or 3 years. Of note is that it only flowers on older naked culms, so that increases your wait sometimes a bit longer than you might like, but remember that the more old culms you get the more flower buds you get.
Mine is grown in a small pot (though I should repot it this summer into a 3 inch I think...too top heavy) and watered somewhat frequently (3-5 days), occassional fertilization, and high light, but little to no sun except during winter. Temperature regime would be 75 in summer down to 65 in winter (the bathroom). Fine bark possibly with a mix of 15% sphagnum would be my recommendation. It would prefer not to ever become truly dry. That's why mine lives in the window of the shower *lol*. Easy to point nozzle into window 2x a week.
Mature culms are about 10-12 inches for me. And it's been flowering since January...I don't believe a single one has moved toward falling in that time. It's kinda like a wax flower in that regard

Squirrel yours are spot on gorgeous!