Everyone just recieved my bid from e-bay and Baldan Orchids . Its Species Riverbend x Zuma Beach large in spike blooming. It arrived in good condition with healthy looking roots . The flower spike is very fragile looking and the flowers are oh so small.
Take a look at the
Its already in the Orchidarium getting acquainted with the other 'chids'.
TTFN - Sheridan
Last edited by Ranchnanny; 11-05-2011 at 08:19 PM..
Hi gmdiaz, did you bid on this orchid on e-bay? I know the color is a bit different looking at it versus the . But your description is totally different????
Can you post a of yours? We can compare colors that way. It doesn't sound like the same orchid
Gwen they do look alike. I think when I took the photo I took it while it was in the orchidarium. But the color is identical. Did you just recieve yours? It seems like weeks since I bid on mine. I had been checking the mailbox everyday which normally I don't do as it is not close to the house. I have to drive to the mailbox so I pick up mail every other day or so.
Yours looks good too I am really liking the mini's since I am limited in space .