Long story, so sorry. A bit over a year ago my sister gave me what is still my only Paph, Paph Raisin Pie. Both the plant and I have been through a less than ideal year, but somehow this plant worked some magic on me, giving me a renewed focus on my orchids overall. And, of course, recovering this poor Paph which I almost killed. It recovered as I surrounded it with mostly Phals, though it did have to go to the darkest corner of the grow window. When I set up a light area I moved Raisin Pie there and she got really happy pretty quickly, with healthy new growth and a flower.
So this evening I put a chair into the otherwise furniture-less room where I grow under lights. When I sat down I was immediately taken by how Raisin Pie was framed in among blooming Phals. The plants are as they always sit but I'd never before had a vantagepoint with this view:

There are 7 blooming Phals framing Raisin Pie.