Hi everyone,
My name is Deniz and I am a Phalaenopsis lover who started studying at OSU. I really love Phals which is why I own 3 orchids plus one on the way

Currently in the picture you see
Phal (Tying Shin Forever Love AM x Yungho Gelb Canary)
Phal Mituo Prince M1
from Bigleaf orchids (there is a Noid orchid as well that I am currently keeping away just in case of a virus) and I will also have Phal. LOC Magic Zebra (mentawaiensis x zebrina) from Lousiana Orchid Connection pretty soon.
The place and the state I live in is not in best terms with the heat,sun and humidity so I use a humidifier and a Led plant light for nearly 12 hours a day. I ensure the building has air flow and I open windows of my other room when it is 7-10 C so fresh air can come and inside would be still warm. I use Kelpmax as a supplement and also order fertilizer from Lousiana Orchid Connection.
Here is the plant light (aka disco light

) that I am currently using. Just included so you might guide me
I hope these orchids are screaming I am happy if not I will make them happy
I have a collection of orchids at home (Turkey) as well which consists of two Noids and Phalaenopsis Cornu Cervi Flava. I am intendin( to pack these guys with me and treat them with sun after May 2017. I gave instructions to my mım for watering and sun& moisture is the least I care. The leaves get huge there
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I was a member of here for a long time but now that I am that in US a new chapter for phals opened so nice to meet with you all!