On the rack out on the other side of the pool are catts, potinara, maxillaria tenufolia, schomburgkia, the small basket on top is viseaphal x suntan, the tall plant (an unknown den) is actually gorgeous right now. There are 3 stems, two of which are full of white flowers and buds, the third is all buds (there's a pic of the actual bloom in my gallery).
On the middle shelf, all the way to the left is a mystery plant. I went to an estate sale (more like glorified garage sale

) and right at the front door is this plant just laying on it's side on in a shallow pot, no medium, no nothing! The guys had no idea what they were doing (grandkids getting rid of granny's stuff after she passed away) and when I asked how much, they said TWO dollars! For the pot AND plant!!! I grabbed it and ran home to start the TLC. I'll post a pic tomorrow, it's doing great! Only bad part is...I don't even know what type of 'chid it is! It will be a TOTAL surprise when it blooms