I've been organizing, cleaning and mounting for several weeks now. Next year, I'm going to have some shelves made because I'm tired of the rusty ugly shelves. Anyway, here is a picture album of my growing spaces, along with closeups of specific orchids. I hope you all enjoy it.
Vanda Maria Bos. Not many flowers, and they were damaged by insects. Boo.
Grammatophyllum wallesi and Cyrtopodium punctatum. They are potted in a mix of River rock and hydroton.
My Baby Grammatophyllum speciosum. That's a 19-inch clay pot.
Some Grammatophyllum hybrids:
Some root love from my Gramms
another one.......
A Schomburkgia baby from SBOE. I purchased this back in 2010 and I think it's about ready to be mounted.

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A Cattleya Guatemalensis. I want to mount it.
This is where my Grammatophyllum I posted several pictures a few weeks back lives. It was getting dehydrated inside, so, even though it's still got the spike, I put it outside.
My Grammatophyllum var. citrinum. It didn't bloom this year but has been growing steadily
This is its root system:
I LOVE Laelia anceps, and have many in my collection. These are some of the ones that are in spike. Some, birds broke the emerging spike. Blech.

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I've been mounting lots of orchids on cedar slabs. Without exception, the orchids have taken to this faster than any other wood I've used. Here are some pictures:
This is a Myrmecophila hybrid:
Another Myrmecophila hybrid from Motes Orchids. I bought this in 2012 and it's itty bitty.
A Laelia splendida. I almost lost this plant until I decided to mount it, bare root, on a cedar basket. It has no medium at all.
A Myrmecophila hybrid I bought from Plantio la Orquidea in 2012.
Another Myrmecpophila hybrid from Plantio la Orquidea:

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Another Myrmecophila hybrid from Motes Orchids purchased in 2012:
An Aerides Punchinello that's growing a spike.
Some more mounted orchids:
Two Laelia anceps (one is spike) A purpurata, a Laelia tenebrosa 'Maria Fumaca' division I just purchased, and a Cattleya hybrid whose name escapes me but that I know I purchased from S. Christofferson back in 2012.
This is a new growth on the Cattleya hybrid:
The Maria Fumaca is putting out new growth and new roots!

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Some SBOE Babies (they are getting chubbettos), 2 Laelia superbiens 'Don Hubert Cross' and some Myrmecophila hybrids:
More root love from the Laelia superbiens:
Some more mounts:
I mounted this two weeks ago and here's the root development:
Here's a Christensonia vietnamica in bud:
This is the slab onto which the Christensonia is mounted. The root is peeking out already. I think I can remove the twine.