Thank you, everyone, for the kind comments!
Silken: Yes, it is an aluminum frame with glass windows and a polycarbonate roof tinted for 40% shade. I drill a small hole in the aluminum support beams and screw a plant hook in the hole...seems to work ok so far...
Eyebabe: I ran out of room for the comfy chair and table...too many darn orchids!! lol
Bayard: The end connected to the house is facing north, so I get morning sun on the one long side and afternoon sun on the other. I have all my high-light orchids on the south-short side.
Mikeg: The humongous leaf plant is an Elephant Ear...the kind you can buy a 'bulb' of in your local garden center in the spring (which is what I did and couldn't bear to let it die in the winter cold).
Junebug: Lots of smellys in there right now...unfortunately my white dend with purple lip is a NOID...I would love to have a name for it!!