Sue, Its really difficult to try to schedule a time that works for both sides of the Atlantic (let alone Australia - I think I saw one person on the list from there!). Perhaps a weekend time would be better, at least then it wouldn't conflict with work in the US?
We can have our "official" chats at 2pm est and 8pm est on Fridays or Saturdays...which works better for everybody?
Besides those meetings, we can meet in chat at either of those times any night of the week, just to discuss stuff. No decisions will be made without everybody's input.
I opened the 2pm est time chat just in case folks are around and want to talk. Hopefully, my life will stop testing my patience and I'll be able to get to any and all chats from here on
To those who were in the chat tonight, sorry I couldn't make it! I waited until the last minute to do my homework that is due tomorrow that is what I was me...I would have rather been helping out with narrowing down the list! So how did it go? Does anyone know when the next chat is scheduled?
personally I prefer Saturdays (so I don't have to miss NCIS on Fridays hehe ) 2pm and 8pm EST is good too - That would be 7pm and 1am UK time - not bad, not bad....
Just would like to clarify one think - can i still add few orchids of my choice to the list or that has been closed?
As I missed the discussion
But saying that, there are quite a few stunners to choose from already.
Last edited by Lenka; 03-06-2008 at 07:43 AM..
Reason: typo
When will our next chat session be? If there has been one after the initial Sunday chat .. I was not aware of it and missed it
Could we have one over the weekend ?
Just to note that the US change their clocks this weekend (as Ross pointed out on another thread) - which means that after the change on Saturday, EDT will only be GMT +4 hours. Its still three weeks before we turn our clocks forward. I assume Europe is the same? Three weeks from now?
I think we should keep both the 2pm est and the 8pm est chats scheduled for both Saturday and Sunday nights, giving everybody the opportunity to join in.
We can always check out the chat room at either of those times during the week for an impromptu meeting
Hi all, Is there a way of knowing if anyone is in the chat room without actually going in? Anyplace that tells you while you are checking posts?
I think you all do such a great job trying to organize meetings so everyone can participate. It's such a confusing thing....glad you guys are doing it and not me. You are appreciated though!!!!!!