I'm in--can't wait. I have a list prepared as well.
If I'm not there for some reason, it has to do with my son's school project that is due on Monday. He may need my computer to finish it--it's a long story.
I have really enjoyed being involved in the last two projects. I don't post much about the progress, because I really haven't had too much, but nothing has died yet, so I think (as Martha Stewart would say) it is a "Good Thing".
Does everybody purchase from the same nursery? I'm debating still. I'm such a newb/un-educated I don't know if this is for me quite yet. How soon until the day of purchase? (roughly)
In our previous projects, we all ordered from the same place (within each country) but it has grown too big to accomplish that easily. For this one, we can order from whatever vendor we want to order from.
We're shooting for an order/ship date in mid-April