Laelia reginae is the winning choice among the group.
With only 3 other voters left, there's no way any other plant can win!!!
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Some information on Laelia reginae:
According to Orchidwiz:
L reginae is a tiny 1.6 - 3.0 inch sympodial lithophyte.
Gets 1-2 blooms, rarely up to 6, sized at .6 - 1 inch.
Inflorescense is .8 - 2 inches.
Leaves are 1 - 1.6 inches, often purple on the underside and along edges.
Light: 3000-4000 fc, avoid strong midday sun, strong air movement at all times.
Temp: Day 70-72 F and night 55-56 F.
Humidity: 75% summer-early autum, 70% late autumn- spring