I just realized, as I went thru all the posts about this spring project, that I never mentioned clearly that I wanted to be in! (sorry Camille!). I got involved in the plant suggestions initially and then was too busy to keep up with the discussion and the poll.
But today, as I was visiting Hawaiian Botanicals to look for rupicolous Laelia, I remembered that Sophronitis cernua was part of the spring project discussion... Thanks to the internet on the phone
, I quickly checked how many fellow Canadians were in the project already, and how many plants were in the greenhouse...and the results were 6 members/9 plants... you see were I am going I suppose!
So I got a S. cernua var. mineira. I was hoping not all 6 members of the project were going to buy this variety, and if I was wrong, please let me know, I could go and exchange the plant!
I would love to be officially part of the project if you guys don't see any inconvenience with this
And of course as I went there first to look for rupicolous Laelias (Cattleyas nowadays), I also left with a cute little Laelia milleri