Just a few more details about the process:
we'll suggest 'chids and they will either be passed over or put on our "tentative list". We will then decide on which vendor we'll be ordering from...in the three previous projects, we were able to get a discount on the project plants (we ALL add a traveling companion or two...or three

) but the discounts are only on the plant picked for the project. I contact the vendor, tell them about our project and they then set aside the number of plants we'll need, all in the same stage of growing. So far, Andy's, Oak Hill and Parkside have been wonderful and we've all loved what we've received from them.
Once we have our "tentative list" narrowed down, there will be a poll posted and the winner of that poll is the plant we all get...even if it's not the plant you voted for. If it's on the list, none of the participants were totally against it to begin with.
One thing I ask as a courtesy is this:
if you see that the plants we're leaning towards are not what you'd be interested in, please bow out early. Your opinions are all taken very seriously. If you absolutely hate something, it won't make it to the list...and then if you decide you don't want to continue, the rest of us no longer have the option of voting for that particular plant.
This is not a rule, and I don't want to discourage anybody from joining us...but it would be the courteous thing to do
I want to give our members some more time to reply to this thread before setting our first scheduled discussion. It will probably be mid-July