Now you're talking Dorothy! (Although the one orchid that I've killed in the past two years was a Kefersteinia tolimensis - a warm grower...) I'd love to have another go with one more suited to my environment. Put my name down!!
While we're at it, what about Kefersteinia mystacina - available here (IOSPE info)
Love the beard on the Kefersteinia mystacina!
(Synonyms Zygopetalum mystacinum Rchb. f. 1881)
Add me to that one!
I do hope that is available in Canada!!
Now you're talking Dorothy! (Although the one orchid that I've killed in the past two years was a Kefersteinia tolimensis - a warm grower...) I'd love to have another go with one more suited to my environment. Put my name down!!
While we're at it, what about Kefersteinia mystacina - available here (IOSPE info)
Are these two available in Europe?
I see them both one listed as available in Brazil but not in Canada
The second one is not available in the U.S. ...Marlow's has it listed but at the time that page was done, he only had 19 available.