Here they are
.. the lil' darlings ..
No spike on my Aerangis and the Eurychone rothschildiana is in a 4 inch basket with
3 buds!
They arrived safe and sound and are healthy little buggers
I hope I can keep them happy
and alive
Parkside's packing is impecable.
Their instructions were very clear to handle the Eurychone with care and not to tear off the blooms while unpacking - I followed every word
They charged me $12 for Pack/Handle and $6.50 for Ins/Ship. I guess it's all relative to the size of the plants you order. I still would say it's on the high side. I did receive it very quickly. I ordered on Saturday to which I received an email saying they would be sending it out early this week - Shipping date was Aug 14th and I received by the evening of Aug 15th (DHL)
Take a look Becca - The Eurychone is next to the 2.5 inch pot of the Aerangis - The Eury's leaf span is not more than a few inches.