Terri and Joann, I'm really sorry to hear the bad news. I really hope you both try again!
YOU MUST!!YesI measured & my leaves are long! I had not realised as It's a minature...
I had 2 bought as the project plant originally (hubby was super & ordered 2 instead of one)
You are not alone ! I too lost one last year...although out of the 2, one was always slightly bigger & grew faster and she is the one I still have.
The bark mount fell apart on the slower growing one and I decided to remount on a piece of hard wood..It did not take in my conditions. (I won't be doing that again with this species)
I replaced mine from the same grower I had bought from. This time it came potted. I have left if potted in bark (tiny pot) & have had it from summer last year (TC) to the project plant last summer.
It's growing roots and leaves & I know it will flower for me this year
I water the mounted one every 2/3 days by soaking. The potted one gets watered about once every two weeks. They both live in my terrarium. average temp 20°C; humidity 80 %
If I ever decide to re pot/mount It will be on bark as this one is.
Also, seeing how it is growing I think I will be sticking it onto an other bigger bark mount in the future.That is, instead of completely changing the mount as I did before. I mean to succeed with these as they are so rewarding! Hope this helps someone.
& get yourselves an other one is all I can say..
Bill I measured & the longest leaf is 7 cms long...