Thank you for sharing your culture details. All your plants have multiple fans with many more leaves than any of mine. Like you said, obviously a sign of a great root system.
All mine were "rescues" in fair to poor condition when I acquired them Summer 2023. They took another hit when I repotted almost all and cleaned them as best I could (because of pest signs), realizing too late whatever roots had remained viable I likely injured. Last mistake was trying to grow a few indoors before finally moving everything outside by end of Dec 2023. Only the hartmannii alba that bloomed last year had multiple fans, though only 2 leaves per fan, 3 on the parent one. Since I began fertilizing in July 2024, was hoping for more blooms or more than 1 spike on the alba this year, but am getting nothing. Although only the NoID may bloom later this spring, all have been establishing a stronger root system because they're growing more leaves/fans. Yay.
Growing conditions:
Outdoors all year on a NNE facing balcony. Due to limited space, during winter, direct sun only very early in AM and in very late PM for plants on the west end of balcony. During the summer, when sun is higher/longer days, all plants will get at least an hour direct sun and again around sunset.
Watering: Tried to at least every other day from April thru Oct (everyday if hot) and fertilized once weekly.
Only watering Nov to March (rainy season) is from Mother Nature, except if extended dry period, will water so they get wet at least once or twice a week.
Temps: Summer highs usually low 70s (rarely reaching ~90), with lows in 50s. Winter highs usually 50s maybe low 60s with lows in 40s (rarely high 30s but didn't get that cold this year)
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