I think we are going to start narrowing down the options based on growing requirements and then will launch the poll soon after.
Camille has very generously compiled a list detailing culture requirements for all of our options so far:
**(red = probably can remove due to temperature preferences)
(orange = flagged for other reasons, eg. plant/spike size, no species listed (and no obvious options popped up during vendor searches), unsure if temp requirements an issue, etc.)**
*Aerangis punctata - intermediate to warm
*Ancistrochilus rothschildianus - intermediate-warm. semi terrestrial
*Ascocentrum ampullaceum -thermophile, but also intermediate to warm. Some cooling in winter. High light
*Ascocentrum miniatum ( V. miniata) - intermediate to warm, adaptable. High light
Barkeria lindleyana - large/tall plant!. Temperature tolerant, deciduous with winter rest
Barkeria melanocaulon (B. halbingeri) - Very long spikes. Temperature tolerant
*Barkeria obovata (B. chinensis) - intermediate to warm
*Barkeria spectabilis - cool to warm but intermediate is best
*Bulb. electrinum (Bulb. hirundinis) - intermediate
*Bulbophyllum lobbii - intermediate to warm according to several vendors
Cadetia (now considered a section of Dendrobium, I think) - don't seem to be any species available anywhere
Capanemia superflua (C. uliginosa) - intermediate, favoring cool winters
*Dencrobium aberrans - intermediate to warm according to several vendors
Dendrobium hekouense - Cool,Intermediate to Warm (tolerant of extremes,favoring cool). Temp tolerant strongly leaning cool.
*Dendrobium peguanum - Warm, Intermediate to Cool (tolerant of extremes,favoring warm).
*Dendrobium laevifolium - intermediate to warm
Dendrobium moniliforme - cold to warm, very adaptable but for best blooming several weeks at or under 50F are needed
*Dendrobium unicum - Cool,intermediate,warm. Temperature tolerant
Epidendrum fimbriatum - cool growing and can tolerate intermediate
Eria (umm very diverse genus; just putting it out there)
Hexisea imbricata (Scaphyglottis imbricata) - no/little info (hot to warm?), no vendors
Holcoglossum rupestre - cool to intermediate, favoring cool
Ionopsis utricularioides - warm grower. Little info, no vendors
*Laelia/Cattleya lundii - intermediate to warm
Macroclinium manabinum - warm to hot
*Paphiopedilum micranthum - intermediate with cool to cold night temperatures
Phalaenopsis lindenii - intermediate, likes it cooler than most Phals. Difficult in culture, no vendors
*Phalaenopsis bastianii or P. mariae - warm hot but do very well in intermediate temperatures
*Phalaenopsis deliciosa -intermediate to warm
*Phalaenopsis parishii or lobbii - warm hot but do well in intermediate as well. Humidity lover
Podangis dactyloceras - recent project plant (2109 or 2020).
Sarcochilus - no vendors for common species
*Tuberolabium kotoense ( or T. quisumbingii) -intermediate to warm