Finally figured out how to grow this species! This newly acquired division has bloomed for the first time under my care, and is about to put out another one.
This is the first time I've not once experienced severe die back issues, and that is far better than just getting this guy to bloom!
It is extremely fragrant! The flowers are about 7 mm - 8 mm in diameter, but the fragrance can be smelled from about 6" - 8" away! My mom says it smells a lot like fresh tobacco from a cigar, I'd have to say I concur.

The fragrance is sweet and of heavy substance, but it is also spicy - with just the right amount of kick.
Unfortunately, the bloom is extremely short lived as I've mentioned prior in a few posts a long time ago. They only last 3 days. But they only go into full bloom for less than a day (sometime in the early afternoon hours).
I figured it's been a while since I've posted anything, so I'd post this.
Pictures to be posted later, been busy, and it is still inconvenient to upload pics directly from my camera onto this new computer.
I'll describe what the flower looks like in the meantime -
They are about 7 mm - 8 mm across. The sepals and petals are a yellowish-olive green, with purple spotting. The lip is shaped like an anchor and is also purple. The back of the petals and sepals are warty. What makes this flower unique are the wings on either side of the column and the upper part of the lip that are edged in fine dentition (teeth). There is a small callus on the upper part of the lip close to where the column is. Below the stigmatic opening there is also a flap that acts like a trap door to seal the stigmatic opening after pollination.
Hopefully, the pic I post later will be able to show the fine details of the flower.