Originally Posted by rallygirl
does anyone have any suggestions about how to grow this sort of orchid? i also wonder if this nomenclature is correct since a few other plants i have from the same source have outdated names. it is mounted on cork and seems to have done well in the past, but has been in a cold darkish nursery for most of the winter. i have it in an aquarium surrounded by mostly moss potted plants for humidity, but i have read it needs quite high temperatures to be happy.
i'm not even sure if this is the right alliance group in which to be posting about trigonidiums, but it's my best guess and i am looking forward to learning more.
Hey jd, well I've found my aquariums have very high humidity [everything I put in there goes nuts and puts out new roots and leaves

] but the temperature depending on ambient room temperature, the fan and lighting can be fairly warm... usually 25 degrees celcius.
So it might be ok in your aquarium if it doesn't get that hot in there.
What else are you growing in there? Do you have a pic of the T. obtusum?