Ron, the plant in your pic was mislabeled. Adelaide Meadows has flowers that are lime green with a few spots. Also, the lips are a lighter purple. Here's a pic:
I used to have one of these guys a long time ago, but I lost it to rot.
The plant in your pic looks a lot like a Z. Blue Banks hybrid.
Ron, the plant in your pic was mislabeled. Adelaide Meadows has flowers that are lime green with a few spots. Also, the lips are a lighter purple. Here's a pic:
I used to have one of these guys a long time ago, but I lost it to rot.
The plant in your pic looks a lot like a Z. Blue Banks hybrid.
You are correct! I looked back at my records and I have the two switched around - I also have photos of Adelaide Meadows and it is exactly as you described. This is a Zygopetalum Redvale.
Last edited by ronaldhanko; 03-07-2010 at 04:39 PM..