I only have two Zygo's and they flower at different times for me. This one is so fragrant that it fills the G/H all day with a most pleasant scent... I love going out there just to be in its perfume! Don't know why the flowers are so "every which way." I tried to rearrange them in the 2nd pic.
Those are some beautiful zygos. I also like haning out around mine when they're in bloom, just to take in the sweet fragrance. They are among my favorite orchids.
Very nice, Doc! I'm somewhat envious, however...I just don't seem to have luck with zygos....I do remember being intoxicated by their incredible fragrance and I do seem to remember ever flower opening at a different angle. I think that's just normal for zygos. Congrats on your success!!
Sometimes moving the plant to face in a different direction before the flowers have set will make them try to twist back to their original positioning. This applies to Cymbidiums as well.
Nice blooms on there Doc. Mine did not bloom last year so I put it out under my Japanese Fern Tree and checked it one day this summer..4 spikes. Gotta love it. Someone munched a couple buds off but I saved the rest. Brought it back into the pool enclosure till the blooms faded. It will be interesting to see what happens next year out under the tree once again. I was told they don't do well here... don't tell my chid