Originally Posted by Frdemetr
Hi Kiki!
In fact they never rest....they grow continuously through the year; the day/night temps difference only induces blooming; in brazilian coastal cities they grow, grow and grow and never bloom! Some varieties are very demanding (and others not!); I have a Bifr. harrisoniae var. alba that bloomed last time in 2005! It grows happily but to induce blooming it needs more days is the winter with >10°C day/night difference (I live at 800m altitude, it came from Minas Gerais, more than 1200m high); this year the winter was mild and (again) I won't see its flowers...
Thanks for that info. Now do I have to take under consideration the location differences between your growing area and mine? I have cool cool nights here in winter, so mine should thrive. Wow, though, the orchid grower who sold it to me was adament that it have winter rest. I'm glad that isn't the case, cause resting orchids and not watering drives me insane!