I rescued a zygopetalum that was very nearly dead. It came back, started to put out a new growth, and then surprisingly flowered. Flowers lasted about five weeks, and now a month after flowering the "new growth" hasn't continued. Any ideas?
All 5 of mine started doing this in Dec- January, figured they’re going into a rest period. My temps are about 18 celcius which is a good temp for growth, under high light, but they all stopped growing, including new shoots. I keep them a bit drier, so roots don’t rot and hope they’ll get going when it turns warmer in March -April. They’re looking great so I don’t think there’s much wrong. Hope yours are the same!
Remember, orchids don't do anything fast. Just let them do what they're going to do. They may slow down a bit this time of year, but Zygos don't have a "rest period" with particular requirements. THey do need to be kept moist but not soggy (roots need air), things naturally dry out more slowly in cool weather.
Keep in mund that the weather is nts these days and plants follow it. I have many spring bloomers that are blooming now while others have already done it.
My only Zigo started a new growth around Sept and is blooming now. It hasn't bloomed in 2 years without any change in location ..must have been the weather