Ray, thank you for your speedy reply. I read every thing you wrote about S/H growing on First Rays LLC, I might have missed the part that you found LECA by it's self so wanting to know as much about your S/H process I asked the question.
The reason I've been asking as many questions I have is because, even though I have been keeping and re-blooming Orchids (I don't feel I grow Orchids because I don't grow from seed or pollinate to grow) for many years. My conditions are very challenging and I've lost a lot of orchids (that where very expensive). I only recently discovered S/H. I felt that this method of growing would be perfect for my conditions. You have mentioned that my purchasing a portable A/C might not be the problem. And, I understand your feelings, but I can say,' ever since I purchased the A/C & re-potted to S/H all my plants look much better, new growth and I can see roots traveling down toward the water reservoir. I'm not going to explain my schedule (I explained it before under another thread). I'm hoping this will make me a better 'Orchid Keeper', thank you again...
