Originally Posted by No-Pro-mwa
Welcome to the board. To bad about the rural feel of your town, so sad 
Thank-you! Very happy to be on this board!
Noticed the location under your user name... Wyoming is an amazing place! I'm sure there is a lot of good 'rural feel' within your state.
Originally Posted by Pattywack
Welcome to the board! I live in a rural area myself, we enjoy the quiet, small town feel. It is not far from big cities if you feel the need. We jokingly call our area “cow county”. There is something to be said about going outdoors especially at night and hearing absolute silence. Love it.
Much appreciated!
"Quiet, small town feel... going outdoors especially at night and hearing absolute silence"... definitely puts it all into perspective.
Was admiring your
Neofinetia falcata Jukai in another thread. Gorgeous plant!