Originally Posted by camille1585
! Aside from the Cymbidiums, what other types do you have now?
Thanks, Camille! I've definitely gotten hooked good!
Aside from the 15 or so cymbidium, I've got a
Dendrobium "fuerstenbergianum"
Chaubardia heteroclita(newer Columbian? species)
Oncidium pichinchense(it's currently dying

Cirrhopetalum fascinator
Sedirea (aerides) japonica
Zygopetalum (arthur ella X imagination)
Cochleanthes overbrook (discolor X aromatica)
Encyclia radiata
Paph. Shin-Yi Heart(Hsinying Macasa X Paph. Hsinying Web)
and three random Phals I rescued from people that didn't know what to do with them! lol
And I also have what used to be five, now divided into eight what I'm guessing are different Oncidium Intergenerics I'm planning on posting in the ID forum to see what help I can get. I know it can be quite difficult getting exact IDs with those sorts from places like Trader Joe's.
Oh yes, one of those is an Oncostele Wildcat, or some hybrid of that. It's got a wonderful four-foot spike in bloom right now!
So I think that's about it! I might be missing one or two in there, and a few of them have been divided since I got them.