He walks past an orchid tree filed with monkeys.
He is naked, and all of the monkeys laugh and chitter.
A monkey, trying to prove his cleverness to his kin, picks up a phone and telephones the Brisbane Police.
He points out their foolishness.
They laugh and chatter.
I am a cheerful lunatic.
And being a cheerful lunatic, I am often faced with the question.... When meeting somebody new, how to behave?
For me it is difficult, and I make no secret of the fact. I am nuts. I am also a Great Artist. Immodest, but honest ~ in this regard, at least.
I have difficulty meeting new people.
I thought yours mores of politeness consititued some odd traditiosn ~ to report people to the police for their non-harmful and non-illegal actions....
Perhaps because those actions were outside of your experience?
But I guess I ought make an effort to work within the current mores?
Anyway, when in Rome....
Sub Rosa and other exceptionally rude members of this forum, I expect you are attentive to details in your tax records in regard your orchid habit?
Being unexperienced with the orchid trade, I probably wouldn't know what to look for when looking through your internet signatures and previous posts, here and elsewhere (when you have allowed me that opportunity) ~ if I did, it would be naughty of me to put links to those posts in an email sent onto the fraud department of your tax office.
You are probably legal.
But when in Rome....
I'm only returning your politeness.
Like you, I agree that unneccessarilly attentive lawfulness has its role.
Maybe you are legal, maybe not.
Maybe I am a lunatic in contact with the local police, maybe not.
Either way, I expect you will enjoy them going through your internet history and tax records with a fine tooth-comb.
Perhaps I ought only have offered to help of the one who taught me this ritual?
But I am always over-enthusiastic in my responses ~ Love begets Love, Help begets Help, Tolerance begets Tolerance, and so on with most of the other emotions, and I wanted to tip my hat to the emotions the whole lot of you demonstrated when you had when you were watching somebody attempt to hurt me.
I am not easily hurt.
But I am an Emotional Giver, by nature.
A nurturing type.
That is why I give Love that is much bigger than the Love I receive ~ as a matter of both feeling and policy.
And so on with most of the other emotions.
I feel it is important to be over-abundant in the generosity with which give more I receive.
If people know I am going to be wildly and inappropriately over-abundent in my emotional lovingness, they are usually careful to treat me with ordinary politeness.
The social mores you have shown me are unusual (in my experience), but I understand that it is my duty as a civilized being to respect others traditions and treat them according to their own demonstrated mors.
Thus I have 'reciprocate in kind' ~ a situation I would have prefered to have avoided, and certainly not a situation I had expected from education people.
But perfaps not everybody here is educated? Either way, I respect your different culture, but I hope your fellows will be kinder to me.
I prefer gentleness.
I want to get on with my work and my obsessive botanical love ~ the rest is a distraction.
Now you can respond by saying “Growl ~ how dare you! I'm going to bite again.”
And that is how a dog would respond ~ until it gets a hard enough smack to tangibly harm its livelihood.
Which is the cost of a ticket on that particular ride.
Then its behaviour improves.
The local nazis tried a similar introduction ritual with me ~ though communication with them was not solicited.
Now leave me alone.
You can do your research into that story.
I expect it has already become an internet legend.
This is not really a forum about attacking strangers, yet as thus you have used it ~ I must address the practice with a verbal response.
Personal space is important, and every natural animal behaves very carefully in any matter that might have a dimension of another's personal space ~ the expectation being that you only have yourself to blame if you are bitten as a natural response to an inappropriate violation of personal space.
The natural response of the imposing animal is to stop and stand back and respect the other animal ~ and the new awareness of personal space occurs.
This is the way these things are done in the animal world.
It is sad that I must elucidate that ritual with intelligent people.
There are intelligent people here, aren't there?
To respond otherwise would probably not be rewarded by Mother Nature.
Humans who don't understand the basic social fundament of personal space certainly don't need me to help them make an abundance of enemies.
They are usually impusive sorts, who act before fully evaluating a situation. Not a modern trait ~ evolution seems to be encouraging thoughtfulness, as evidenced by the advent of technology.
Like The World Wide Web.
I am only ever interesting in biting to avoid being bitten, which means I never bite first.
I hope my behaviour in not frightening ~ I have offered you only a reflection of your own behaviour.
And I think that it is what you asked for when you gave me that behaviour.
You merely need to understand that it is not appropriate to mis-treat any human, particularly those who are question marks and beyond your understanding.
Sometimes I become very sad, I feel that Loving the world is important, and Loving me is important ~ so I have to be firm and willful in helping the world understand that I prefer reciprocal Love.
I laugh with you when you joke ~ your opinions are your own, and essentially meaningless to anybody except yourself.
And I understand that I am a lunatic.
But if you would reach forward with intention to hurt me, then you reach into my personal space.
And I will return the loving favour in exactly like coin.
This is not because I hate or feel any emotions toward you ~ I haven't yet developed any emotions to any member of this site (except Ferd the Flying Freak ~ I LOVE YOUR WINGS, YOU ARE GREAT!)
And I also feel a beginnings of respect toward some of the folk who made intelligent criticism of my Latin ~ they are probably people I would like to know.
I am not trying to hurt anybody, but the psychological state of a person who would make such actions so impulsively suggests that I must accept your social mores as serious and respond in accord with the scale and vista you have requested.
To do otherwise would probably invite worse behaviour.
When you meet a new person, you meet an unknown quantity.
If the person is beyond your experience, a wise human will be more polite, rather than less polite.
A fearful human, however, may respond differently.
Thank you for your feedback and your interesting welcome to this lovely website.
I would like to know you all.
I am lunatic, but a beautiful lunatic.
And I hope I can share the experience of my beauty with you ~ in our shared love of orchids.
For your rude behaviour has much less relevance to orchids than my own Great Lunar Orchid.
Thank You,
Glenorchy McBride