I'm new to this board and semi-new to orchids. I decided this would be a good source of information on them, especially as my collection grows and becomes more diverse. The other day, I got a Tsubotaara Melinda Marie 'Blue Moon' and when I went to look it up, I found very few information on it. Some of the results that came up in a Google search came from here and I visited before so I decided to make an account.
Anyways, I currently have seven orchids. I have 3 NoID Phalaenopsis orchids, 2 Laeliocattleya orchids (Lc. Secret Love 'Purple' and Lc. Little Fortune 'NN'), a Vanda (V. Wirat x V. Madame Rattana) and of course the Tsubotaara previously mentioned. My orchid love all started with a grocery store Phalaenopsis I bought in April 2016. I also have some African Violets, Thanksgiving Cacti, Streptocarpus, Hoyas, and more. I also have a cat, Hannah, who doesn't touch my plants at all now. She used to pull buds off African Violets and such a little when I first started having plants but now she is so used to them being there she completely ignores them despite them being right in reach. Because of her, I don't want anything that can hurt her if she decides to break character.
I live in New Hampshire so it's cold outside much of the year (like right now) and I have no outdoor space right now, anyways so none of my plants go outside, even in Summer. However, my plants all live in a large window. I really enjoy plants (specifically flowering plants) and a plant nursery is a very dangerous place for me to visit

. Actually, any store selling plants is dangerous!