New to Orchids - still a little green - no pun intended
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Old 02-18-2008, 10:45 PM
Schten Schten is offline
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New to Orchids - still a little green - no pun intended Male
Cool New to Orchids - still a little green - no pun intended

I'm new to Orchids period. I've always thought they were beautiful but I was never much of a "plant" person.

My lovely husband decided I needed a hobby to love as much as he loves his saltwater aquarium habit....I mean hobby! So for Valentine's day he got me 2 phals and 1 Dpt. They are aptly named Yuki (Phal: Yukimai x Taisuco Kochdian), Tally (Phal: Light x Ho’s French Fantasia) and Gemma (Dtps. Taisuco Stripe x Phal Taisuco Gem). Don't ask. I’ve named every living thing I've had since I can remember and the name is either an alliteration or play on the species or appearance. This really helps when as a ten year old you try to save as many .10c feeder fish as you can from the local pet store and you have them in everything from plastic buckets to my mom’s vases.

Anyway I have my babies on a humidity tray under 4 T5’s that run from 7am – 7pm. Tally was flowering when all 3 arrived from Canada. Gemma and Yuki are just spikes that resemble asparagus. I repotted them and noticed the roots were compacted around the moss medium so tightly that I had to untangle them to dislodge the old moss. All of the roots looked to be in very good shape. One was a little gray and "woody", so I cut it with a sterile knife. I replanted Tally and Gemma into bigger pots and Yuki in the same size pot (all are clay) using a mixture of fir bark, sphagnum and angel moss. The roots looked to be in great shape on all plants but they just looked too large in the small little pots they came in. While I was spreading and packing the medium mixture, every now and again I would feel a teeny crackling, was I damaging the roots?

I wiped down all of the leaves and twisted a paper towel to get any water at the bases of the leaves. I only had to cut 2 leaves off of one of the Phals, it looked to be damaged by the cold weather while shipping (limp, getting translucent). I soaked the media, and the pots in water, so they went into their new homes well hydrated.

So far so good, the humidity level is usually 45 – 55%, lights are about 8” from the leaves, and they are indoors. The day after planting, I noticed the one Phal I had cut now has another leaf that looked like it had dried little nibbles on it, I mean literally little bitty teeth marks that turned brown. Also, the Dpts. now has two little bottom leaves that are nearest the moss that have turned yellow. Does anyone with in their infinite Orchid wisdom notice anything that I am blatantly doing wrong? Any helpful hints will be most appreciated!

Also, one more thing, Tally had Flowers and about 4 closed buds on her when I got her, my husband accidentally knocked it over and broke the longest part of the end of the stem that was flowering. There is one flower remaining, I plan on waiting until that flower drops before I cut it back and try to get her to flower again. I have not fertilized yet, still reading up and I knew I had time after replanting. I bought Green Jungle and will be using reverse osmosis water to water and will fertilize every three waterings…sound about right?

The next Orchid I would like to purchase is an Ascda. John De Baise ‘Red Cherry'. Look forward to learning all I can about one of God's most beautiful creations.
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Old 02-18-2008, 11:31 PM
new_orchid_rescuer new_orchid_rescuer is offline

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and welcome to Orchid Board!! There are so many people here with tons of experience to help you. I'm fairly new to orchids as well, but it doesn't sound like you've done anything to hurt your 'chids yet

If they're starting to drop leaves already and you just got them on Valentine's Day, then I would say that it isn't you who caused it. It is likely to be the cold it was exposed to. Just out of curiosity, why would you order orchids from Canada when you have so many wonderful vendors down there (and they don't need to be shipped through the cold! )

Maybe some will help identify the problem more?

Also, the 'cracking' sound you heard while repotting probably was some roots breaking. That is inevitable when repotting, the trick is to try to minimize it as much as possible. Also, when repotting, many people suggest letting it dry out a bit before watering so any broken roots have a chance to seal up their wounds and help prevent fungus or bacteria from getting in.

How often are you watering/plan to water?
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Old 02-19-2008, 08:06 PM
Schten Schten is offline
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New to Orchids - still a little green - no pun intended Male

Thanks for all the great tips right away. I haven't fertilized them yet either because it came by mail about 2 days after I repotted, so I didn't want to over hydrate. I'll fertilize next watering. This is not a smart ass remark, but I plan on watering when the fir bark feels dry. As apposed to every Saturday or a set day. Also, they didn't drop the leaves, I cut them off because of their appearance. The one's that fell were on the stem my husband accidentaly broke BTW is there some super secret easy way to add photos, I'm being asked about the url of the photo??
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Old 02-19-2008, 08:23 PM
Dorothy Dorothy is offline
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Glad you can join us here at the OB

Every one's growing conditions are different and to water when you notice the bark is dry is probably more accurate than water on a particular day of the week .. you comment wasn't 'smart ass' at all but wise
There are some that use a wood skewer to determine how dry or moist their medium is ..
Here are the links for photo posting that should help you out .. if not .. please ask
Resizing Images...originally posted 6/13/06 by Marty
Thumbnail pics in posts
Gallery Photos
Again, to OB.
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Old 02-19-2008, 08:25 PM
kiki-do kiki-do is offline
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Hi Schten,
Welcome! Sounds like you have found your new habit, I mean hobby! If the leaves are yellowing near the moss, I think that means they are old and ready to fall off. As long as it's not the newer leaves turning yellow. Could be the weather, too. Either case, no biggie. Whenever you cut something off, sprinkle a little cinnamon on the area. It has healing properties. Don't put everywhere, just on the cut area.
That part that broke off may create new growth on it's own. Sometimes that happens. It happened on mine, so you might not want to cut it back right away. Give it a couple weeks.
It sounds like you have things all under control. I'm afraid someone else will have to help you with posting pics. I am a total no-mind when it comes to that stuff. Someone on OB will be able to help you.
Anxious to see pics of your "chids" and again....welcome! kiki
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Old 02-20-2008, 12:19 PM
Lorraine Lorraine is offline
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Schten and welcome to Orchid Board. Sounds like you are doing ok with your new 'Hobby' . I have a 65 gal freshwater aquarium but spend much more time with my chids. Just a note that if you make a cut on you orchid seal it with cinnamon to keep away infection from the cut.
I let my Phal spikes turn brown and always cut it back 1/2" above the bottom spur. I have one of my phals with 2 great spikes and it is also spiking from the old spike below where I cut it last year. WooHoo, you might get lucky too
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leaves, looked, phal, tally, water, green, pun, intended, orchids

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