Originally Posted by Arielinwonderland
Hello everyone!
My name is Ariel, I'm a PhD student at the Auburn University, and my life-long love affair with orchids has finally culminated into a hobby.
I've loved Orchids as long as I can remember, but only just started to care for some myself, rather than follow my dad's instructions at home in south Florida. I have bought seven Phalaenopsis plants from my local grocery stores (though I prefer to think of it as "adoption" since they appeared to struggling), two of which are miniatures, , and, very recently, 5 babies of a few genera (Cattleya, Oncidium, and Paphiopedilum).
Two things have become clear: this hobby may take a toll on my (nearly inexistent) student stipend, and I truly need advice and assistance from experienced orchid growers.
I might be in over my head, but I'm hoping you all might be able to help me!
Anyway!  and I'm really excited to have found your forum!
-x- Ariel
Hello Ariel!
I'm an undergraduate and my budget is always stretched thin from growing orchids, but we will make do!!
If you have a Lowe's or Home Depot nearby, see if they have better gro special orchid potting mix. For a budget mix that's readily available, you can't go wrong! You can get it for $10 per 8qt in the store... unfortunately on amazon it is $10 per 4qt but it isn't carried in stores near me! Boo!!
Also, specifically made clear orchid pots are always seeming so expensive. Instead, I drill holes in water bottles, to-go soup containers, solo cups, and any clear plastic container that I feel is suitable to orchids! I buy a 25 pack of 32-oz soup containers from amazon once every month or two for storing my food and potting my orchids for about $12. I use their lids as stands to catch any excess draining water! Ta Daa!!
As for sphagnum moss, I buy it for $10-12 for a biiiig pack from zoo med on amazon. It's meant for terrariums but it's good for orchids, too!
If you ever want to mount orchids, zoo med also sells cork bark or driftwood chunks for under $10.
I think my biggest mistake was buying mixes that weren't chunky enough for cattleyas, dens, and phals in the start.
I also made the mistake of not having enough moisture for my oncidiums, especially the more finely-rooted ones!!
The good thing for our budget is that orchids are hard to kill, and can be recovered even from the brink of death a lot of the time. If you're patient, you can recover many of them!
Also, join a local orchid society!! That'll help you save... no jk you will just buy more orchids but it is super fun! <3