Hi from southern California! =)
Hi there! =) I'm new here and I'm growing in southern California.
My husband and I live in an apartment and have a lush organic balcony garden where we grow organic veggies and flowers, along with a variety of succulents. I've just recently been sucked into the world of orchids (They are so addicting!).
About a month ago, I picked up my first 4 Phalaenopsis in a variety of colors from a local vendor at our farmer's market. She was selling them for $2.50 each because they had root/crown rot. They were in full bloom, so I bought a few thinking they would be pretty as fresh flowers and then I could toss them. But the more I looked at them, the more I liked them, so I started reading about how to save sick orchids. I found a couple Youtube folks who specialize in orchid videos and now I'm hooked. I might lose a couple of them, but others have new root growth and seem to be improving, so we shall see! =) I keep them away from my new additions and manage my expectations for them, but I am hopeful that some will survive.
We are right in the middle of our 2015 Spring Garden Show here. I save up for this show each year so I can purchase a few new plants that are harder to find in my area. This year, I bought a a few of my usual finds, but for the most part, I have been purchasing new orchids! My favorite ones at the moment are my Sharry Baby (she smells so amazing and her structure reminds me of cherry blossoms) and my Nelly Isler. I've tried to get a wide variety of kinds this go-round so I can get to know them and see which ones I like best.
Anyway...there's a little blurb about my involvement with orchids so far. I'm still a beginner, but I am devouring orchid info, so I am excited to be here and learn from you! =)
Much love,