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01-19-2008, 02:59 PM
Jr. Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 16
Cambria...aka Beallara
Aha, so that would explain why I could not see Cambria in my book, it is a Beallara.
Thank you for putting me straight on that and for the link, I have one exactly the same as that
I have been busy moving my orchids round the house to better positions for their particular requirements today, in the hope that they will produce even more lovely flowers
I have also been looking at some of the beautiful orchid piccies on here and wishing I had some of those in my collection as well
Thanks for all the help
best wishes
Last edited by Dame; 01-19-2008 at 03:12 PM..

01-20-2008, 12:34 PM
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: middle of the Netherlands
Posts: 13,779
Hi and welcome to the OB!!
Cambria is not just Beallara. Cambria is a commercial name for Intergeneric hybrids of Odontoglossum, Oncidium, Miltonia, Cochlioda and Brassia. Aside from Beallara (I have one) there's also Burragearra (also have one and smells lovely), Vuylstekeara and others. Sometimes it seems that different names can indiscriminately be used for the same plant, so it's a bit confusing, but they generally all have the same requirements!
As for flowering, it's a bit 'when ever' As soon as the new growths mature they bloom, so some people get 2 (possibly 3) flowerings a year. My Beallara Peggy Ruth Carpenter 'Morning joy' just finished blooming and is putting out 2 new growths now.
Good luck with all your orchids!! 
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
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01-23-2008, 04:45 PM
Jr. Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 16
Hi Camille
many thanks for that. I will go and google all of those to see if I can identify the other two Cambrias I have.
I have some new growths on two of my Cambrias but none on the other one for some unknown reason
One of th Cambrias has so much growth on that I am considering either a larger pot or splitting it?
I have been looking at some really pretty orchids on here and have started a list of "I must have one of those"
best wishes

01-23-2008, 04:50 PM
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Originally Posted by camille1585
My Beallara Peggy Ruth Carpenter 'Morning joy' just finished blooming and is putting out 2 new growths now.
Good luck with all your orchids!! 
My welcome also. Camille, my Bllra Peggy Ruth Carpenter has three new flower spikes - 5th blooming period since January 2007! It is now blooming on the last growths of 2007 and there are new growths just started. This thing is now a "blooming fool"!

01-23-2008, 05:25 PM
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: middle of the Netherlands
Posts: 13,779
Originally Posted by Ross
Camille, my Bllra Peggy Ruth Carpenter has three new flower spikes - 5th blooming period since January 2007! It is now blooming on the last growths of 2007 and there are new growths just started. This thing is now a "blooming fool"!
Do you have any pictures of your "blooming fool"? It must be one heck of a big plant by now! I'm losing patience with mine as the growths are growing excruciatingly slow.... it might need more water, light, food, humidity. Does yours have slightly wrinkled bulbs? Mine used to be very plump but they've gone slightly wrinkly. The roots seem fine.
Dame, it's such a shame we can't see any pictures yet! I would have loved to see your "cambria"s. I hope you figure out what they are!! 
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
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Last edited by camille1585; 01-23-2008 at 05:41 PM..

01-23-2008, 05:50 PM
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Originally Posted by camille1585
Do you have any pictures of your "blooming fool"? It must be one heck of a big plant by now!
This was last year's bloom (April 2007):
This year promises to be just as good with 2 spikes on one plant and one on the other (just like last year). It actually has more growths this year, just one spike per growth.

01-24-2008, 01:19 PM
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: middle of the Netherlands
Posts: 13,779
Hi Dame,
I was looking through my orchid stuff on my pc for other stuff and I found this list of the proper names of all the different cambria hybrid orchids. Don't know if you're interested, but it could help you indentify them by looking at pictures!
ADAGLOSSUM * (Ada x Odontoglossum)
BAKERARA * (Brassia x Miltonia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium)
BEALLARA * (Brassia x Miltonia x Cochlioda x Odontoglossum)
BURRAGEARA * (Oncidium x Miltonia x Cochlioda x Odontoglossum)
COLMANARA * (Oncidium x Miltonia x Odontoglossum)
DEGARMOARA * (Brassia x Miltonia x Odontoglossum)
GOODALEARA * (Odontoglossum x Brassia x Cochlioda x Miltonia x Oncidium)
HOWEARA (Leochilus x oncidium x rodriguezia)
MACLELLANARA * (Oncidium x Odontoglossum x Brassia)
MILTONIDIUM (Miltonia x Oncidium)
MILTASSIA (Miltonia x Brassia)
ODONTIODA * (Odontoglossum x Cochlioda)
ODONTIOPSIS * (Miltoniopsis x Odontoglossum)
ODONTOBRASSIA * (Brassia x Odontoglossum)
ODONTOCIDIUM * (Oncidium x Odontoglossum)
ODONTONIA * (Miltonia x Odontoglossum)
ONCIDETTIA (Oncidium x Comparettia)
STEWARTARA * (Ada, Cochlioda and Odontoglossum)
VULSTEKEARA * (Miltonia, Cochlioda and Odontoglossum)
WILSONARA * (Oncidium, Cochlioda and Odontoglossum)
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
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01-24-2008, 03:55 PM
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Hi there Dame, Welcome to orchid looney land
Its nice to meet you, glad to see you here
You know Ross, I'm starting to think that my favorite orchids are in yer house
Enjoy the forum Dame 

01-24-2008, 04:48 PM
Jr. Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 16
Hi Camille
thank you for the list, I will be googling pictures all night
Ross the 'blooming thing' is lovely
My Cambrias are not in flower at the moment, so all you would see is green leaves at the moment.
One of them has loads of fresh green tipped white roots growing like mad out of the pot, it also has some new leaf growth.
The second one has no new leaf growth and the roots are all white but thin and wiry.
The third is smaller no visable roots at all but it has lots of new leaf growth.
They have not been in flower since last summer, but I am hoping for new flowers again this summer, by which time I should have a digital camera
Of course, I will then have to learn how to use the thing
Thanks all for the great welcome and all the help and advice
best wishes

01-24-2008, 04:51 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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Originally Posted by camille1585
ADAGLOSSUM (Adgm) * (Ada x Odontoglossum)
BAKERARA (Bak) * (Brassia x Miltonia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium)
BEALLARA (Bllra) * (Brassia x Miltonia x Cochlioda x Odontoglossum)
BURRAGEARA (Burr) * (Oncidium x Miltonia x Cochlioda x Odontoglossum)
COLMANARA (Colm) * (Oncidium x Miltonia x Odontoglossum)
DEGARMOARA (Dgmra) * (Brassia x Miltonia x Odontoglossum)
GOODALEARA (Gdlra) * (Odontoglossum x Brassia x Cochlioda x Miltonia x Oncidium)
HOWEARA (Hwra) * (Leochilus x oncidium x rodriguezia)
MACLELLANARA (Mclna) * (Oncidium x Odontoglossum x Brassia)
MILTONIDIUM (Mtdm) * (Miltonia x Oncidium)
MILTASSIA (Mtssa) * (Miltonia x Brassia)
ODONTIODA (Oda) * (Odontoglossum x Cochlioda)
ODONTIOPSIS (Otp) * (Miltoniopsis x Odontoglossum)
ODONTOBRASSIA (Odbrs) * (Brassia x Odontoglossum)
ODONTOCIDIUM (Odcdm) * (Oncidium x Odontoglossum)
ODONTONIA (Odtna) * (Miltonia x Odontoglossum)
ONCIDETTIA (Onctta) * (Oncidium x Comparettia)
STEWARTARA (Stwt) * (Ada, Cochlioda and Odontoglossum)
VULSTEKEARA (Vuyl) * (Miltonia, Cochlioda and Odontoglossum)
WILSONARA (Wknsra) * (Oncidium, Cochlioda and Odontoglossum)
I just added the accepted abbreviations for these crosses. Nice work Camille.
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