Welcome & Happy New Year!
My first Orchid came to me as a gift, one more with some sentimental value and I was determined to save it and start the serious growing! There's an endless amount of information to learn as you well have seen. And just think the more plants and species you start to collect the more that grows!
No Cymbidiums myself - though they are beautiful - but I do believe they are typically rather tall plants. If that doesn't bother you then...do share when you get one (cause you will)! I would love to get one but as it stands right now I think I need to stick to the shorter guys. Don't get me wrong, I'm not discouraging you from getting one just giving you heads up to look into it. I know I've accidentally bought Orchids I didn't expect to be tall! Soon enough you'll learn which plants suit you and your conditions best.
Cheers & Best of Luck to you!