My first orchid - Northeast Iowa, USA - already questions!!
Hi! I've registered and been reading today, after seeing that the Board was back online. Seems like a very useful place and lots of nice folks from all over!
Last winter my son and d-in-law gave me an orchid, Bllra. Big Shot 'Hilo Sparkle'. I'd post a picture but looks like I have to have five posts to do that!
I've been growing plants since I got my first one in 5th grade, taking home a fibrous begonia from school at the end of the year, but I was gardening outside before that. Now that I have my first orchid, it's a whole new world!
(EDIT - actually it appears I can post - so there is a thread in the potting section with pics!)
Last edited by stella_tigre; 10-01-2014 at 07:03 PM..