Hi everyone!
I was (semi-) active here a few years ago, more a reader than a poster. I loved looking at everyone's orchid pictures and reading tips and tricks on orchid growing. I had quite a collection back then but due to study and work stress, i gave my plants away as i was not able to care for them properly. Now, recently graduated, i am finding that ihave time for hobby's!!!!

And, as expected, the orchid virus has returned
Recently, I visited Orchid Wubben, a botanical orchid grower here in the Netherlands and came home with maxillaria schunkeana and anoectochilis roxburghii. Jewel orchids always held a special place in my heart, so I am keen on expanding my collection (currently made up of 2 ludisia's and my tiny new anoectochilis). Therefore, i ordered macodes sanderiana and goodyera pusilla! I can't wait
I'm keen on reading other's experiences with jewel orchids and seeing pics come by! Not only of jewls, but of all other beautiful plants out there. I don't know exactly what it is with orchids, but they are so captivating.
Anyway, hi to all fellow orchid-enthousiasts!