I am in San Joaquin County, not in Kern County, but we are both Central Valley
Just 100F eh..we got 102F earlier
Okay for my Phals, I have most of them in bark mix. I grow them indoors, never outdoors, I feel it cannot take our heat here. With my Phals, especially during these warmer months, I have to dunk water the plant, root zone area only, for about 5 to 10 minutes. Then I let the water drain out and I always make sure the ceiling fan is running for a few minutes too. IF my AC is not on, I run my ceiling fans especially in this triple digit heat. Some of my phals grows aerial roots, I just let them go ..I do not bother putting them back in. I just make sure they also get moistened during watering time.
Now I have another Phal that has been really cranky in bark mix, so for that one I used first stocking baggies. The baggies have some sphagnum moss and styro peanuts. I used baggies since it is easier for me to check the media, not too messy. It worked too, saw how the roots really went in through the bag. I had some hydroton clay rocks which I used as filler in and around the root zone too. I sandwich the roots with the baggies, so there is still good air movement with the roots as it continues to get moisture without being suffocated by sphagnum moss. This is the only time I used moss..I normally try to avoid it.
But I changed this again, since I really do not like sphagnum moss..so I used hygrolon baggies and I have in it some hydroton rocks or sometimes just styro peanuts. Again I sandwich the roots with the baggies. It also works as well, hygrolon can hold some water for awhile without worries of it decomposing.
In both ways, I dunk the root zone, so I am sure the baggies and roots gets thoroughly watered, and always draining out excess water from the container.
Lovely happy roots
So see which might work for you..that is how I grow mine..and so far doing good!
I am not a fan of SH, but it works with some..it is a matter of preference.
Phals will make its flower spike around late Fall to early Spring. Right now I have one in bloom, it is 4 years old in my care and has been consistent in blooming every year during Spring lasting sometimes 6 months long. It has rebloomed on an old spike, so I keep the flower spike as long as it is still green.

Good luck and Happy Growing!