I think I found a good solution for now that may work out well in the long run for my climate. This climate can be very unpredictable, sometimes hot and sometimes suddenly foggy and raining for no reason. I went to water three of my Phals that needed it today. They were all the three in the smallest amount of medium so they dried the fastest. One is the one in the solo cup I cut holes in, the other two in Net Baskets. I had the Net Baskets in larger clay pots. I took some fresh soaked Sphagnum and layered it around the outside of the baskets between the basket and pot. This way I can replace it frequently, its keeping the plant from drying as fast but the core isn't all moss to rot and I didn't have to repot, and wont have to repot if I want to freshen up the Sphagnum. Seems like it will work well, but we will see. The solo cup one I just added some moss on top. Update later. Maybe pictures...