Thank you everyone for the warm welcome!
Sonya, thanks. I have read the link you gave and I realised that I need to have 5 posts before I can load any pics. I have sent 2 pics and its not in the gallery, no wonder.
I am from Singapore and yes, we do have sunshine all year round. I used to have an orchid garden at my balcony but I must confess, I have neglected them few months back due to my busy work schedule. Now I am trying to revive back my poor orchids and I am determined to get back my orchid garden
Being orchids, they are very resilient. There are still a few plants that are still surviving despite the neglect. I have cleaned them out from the pot and transferred them to a new home in coconut husks which I have added some charcoal and broken clay as support. I have them on my balcony railing which gets good sunlight and some splashes of rainwater when it rains.They seem to be growing again and I will monitor them closely.
I have been reading the posts from OB and it has given me the motivation to get my orchid growing again!
I will try to post some pics to show the progress.