Aboard...great to have you within our community. So much information here and the friendliest members you will ever meet.
It will be very hard to tell what is goin' on with your orchid without a name/

The above information is going in the right direction. A few other things you might want to keep in mind when growing orchids...light is very important, fertilizer (weak weekly=as directed on the label cut formula in 1/2 watering every week) nice humidity level, I grow indoors and my level stays around 55-66%, air circulation is extremely important.
I would no matter what type of orchid check the roots, if they are brown, mushy, and or stringy cut them off keeping the white/green followed by new orchid medium. Soak the medium prior to repotting, might I also add to soak the medium for about 1/2 hour (I soak mine with a root stimulator.
Sounds to me your orchid is showing signs of being tired with putting out "the new spike" which can also cause floppy leaves.
Hopefully we can get a

to give you solid causes to effectively help your orchid.