I have joined other forums and I feel there aren't any true Lovers of teaching Orchids. I am a beginner but i do nothing at half speed, so I need teachers who want to help and keep up with me. I have almost 30 orchids and i just got into Intergeneric Oncidiums, Oncidiums, Zygo's, and my newest Fav...Miltoniopsis. I have heard they are hard re-bloomers but I'm not giving up so easy. People also said I didnt have what Phals needed to grow but they are!

.....I admire and so wish to get all the things I need to watch my orchids flourish in my home like all of the senior growers I so look up to! I am on a budget so creativity is some what a must. Not to mention I live in the desert! HELP, HELP, HELP, is all i want please...and hello!