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Old 08-27-2007, 12:44 PM
spierce spierce is offline
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Question HELP!!!!

Hi...I bought 2 orchids and have no idea of what I am doing. I would like to learn. They are beautiful. Or should I say WERE.....I don't know what happened. All the blooms fell off and nothing has happened in quite some time. I have new green blooms. I knwo I have a.......Talsuco Jewel x Minho Princess x P. Salu Peoker.
Will someone please help me.
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Old 08-27-2007, 01:05 PM
Ross Ross is offline
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Welcome to the board. If you could post a picture or two or three, perhaps we could help you zero in on the problem(s). Tell us more about how you are caring for these orchids. How often watering? Are you feeding them? What kind of light and how much? Get the idea? Looking forward to hearing from you.
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Old 08-27-2007, 01:37 PM
spierce spierce is offline
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Exclamation info requested

OK...first...I am sorry to make some of you mad by my lack of......knowledge.

I have her sitting in my bathroom window...indirect light. I water her a day or two after she is completly dry. Food..I repotted in "orchid" potting soil. Other than that ...nothing. This will not allow me to send a picture. I tkeep sfailing. Do yo have another email address. I just need help.

I heard they were easy to care for. I normally do not kill plants. It is growing alot of new "green" growth.

A friend just sits hers in her kitchen, again indirect light..and her is going crazy and has been for over a year!
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Old 08-27-2007, 03:08 PM
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You can post your picture here on the forum. Just make sure you press on the link that says Post Reply, just under the last post in this thread. There you can go to the link that says manage attachments and browse for your pic on your computer and post it. Hope that helps.
"We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"

Goblin Market
by Christina Georgina Rossetti
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Old 08-27-2007, 07:44 PM
Candice Candice is offline
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Welcome to the OB!
Please refer to the below links on how to upload your pictures.
Don't get frustrated and have patience, both very important when it comes to growing ( and killing in my experience ) orchids.
Just explain your growing environment:
-Where you live
-medium used:bark, moss, LECA(please refer to semi-hdroponic thread), etc.
-Food: type of fertilizer ( yes, they need extra nutrients) and how much
-Container housing: basket, clay pot, plastic pot, etc.
-Water source ( I just recently found out it DOES MATTER! )
-And if your 'chid has a name or tag, if not it is known as a NOID (aka no id , which is what alot of us have due to some rescues from Home Depot and such )

-Try to always post a to show your situation: Pictures speak thousands of words

Try the following links to help you with your

Resize pics:
Resizing Images...originally posted 6/13/06 by Marty

Thumbnails in post:
Thumbnail pics in posts

Gallery Pics:
Gallery Photos

Always ask questions or try a search in this forum. There's plenty of experience to go around!
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Old 08-27-2007, 09:03 PM
spierce spierce is offline
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Default Picture of no blooms

Finally I figured this whole resizing your picture.....UUgghh. Now someone please tell me why neither of my plants have blooms. I just sat them on my kitchen island for the picture. Normally they are in a bathroom window. Plenty of indirect light! OK the names are .....Talsuco Jewel X Minho Princess X P. Salu Peoker (the one with the long dead looking stick) and the other is a Dendrobium. They both had beautiful blooms for several months each. Then I moved...... and the blooms died off. Last bloom fell off this am. HELP~! It has been over a month since any blooms have appeared. But lots of green growth!!!!
Attached Thumbnails
HELP!!!!-dsc01036-3-jpg   HELP!!!!-dsc01035-jpg  

Last edited by spierce; 08-27-2007 at 09:16 PM..
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Old 08-27-2007, 09:12 PM
flhiker flhiker is offline
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OK I think that the first one is a Dendrobium and it doe's not look ready yet. The second one is a Phal. I seem to have a little trouble with these. It is weird that some time the newest flower will blast or die and the older ones stay for a long time. I have no idea why except they just do that. Phals like filtered or early morning light, Water weekly but never soggy. Biggest mistake is to over water. fertilize with half strength orchid food monthly. I hope this helps Don't beat your self up some of them just like to see you suffer.

Oh by the way you made no one mad.

Last edited by flhiker; 08-27-2007 at 09:17 PM..
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Old 09-06-2007, 06:30 PM
philoserenus philoserenus is offline
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heyhey i wouldnt fret too much about ur orchids. from the looks of it, they look quite healthy, and healthy plants will bloom over and over, so give them some time.

phals are generally easy bloomers, harder to stop them from continually blooming than get them to bloom. well since the spike (flower stock) has no flowers on it, wait until it goes brown/yellow and then cut it off. let it grow for a bit and when the weather is right, they'll grow another spike full of flowers. and when it starts to grow the new spike, try to not move it around much or the flowers will look weird, and also try to make sure the temperatures dun swing from one extreme to another or the buds will blast (die, fall off, stop developing. etc.)

also bathrooms arent always the best place to put them b/c the temperature and humidity fluctuates too quickly when it is and is not in use

good luck ^^
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Old 09-06-2007, 08:01 PM
Ross Ross is offline
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:iagree: I would not fret. Everything looks fine so far.
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Old 09-07-2007, 09:33 AM
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I can see at least four new canes on the dendrobium. These new canes will have blooms when it's mature enough to carry flower spikes. Occasionally, older canes will bloom again or bear keikis.

As for the phal, in time, new inflorescences will emerge from the base of the plant. Cut the existing spike - it has passed and is not going to flower again. The new leaf growth looks good - on phals an indicator of good health is that each successive leaf is longer than the one before it. It's okay to clean leaves of household dust, etc. I use a fine artists brush and tepid water - just be careful that water is not allowed to sit in the crown or apices of the leaves.
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blooms, green, groth, happened, knwo

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