Welcome to the OB!
Please refer to the below links on how to upload your pictures.
Don't get frustrated and have patience, both very important when it comes to growing ( and killing in my experience

) orchids.
Just explain your growing environment:
-Where you live
-medium used:bark, moss, LECA(please refer to semi-hdroponic thread), etc.
-Food: type of fertilizer ( yes, they need extra nutrients) and how much
-Container housing: basket, clay pot, plastic pot, etc.
-Water source ( I just recently found out it DOES MATTER!

-And if your 'chid has a name or tag, if not it is known as a NOID (aka no id

, which is what alot of us have due to some rescues from Home Depot and such

-Try to always post a

to show your situation: Pictures speak thousands of words
Try the following links to help you with your
Resize pics:
Resizing Images...originally posted 6/13/06 by Marty
Thumbnails in post:
Thumbnail pics in posts
Gallery Pics:
Gallery Photos
Always ask questions or try a search in this forum. There's plenty of experience to go around!