Hello all!
Just wanted to introduce myself...
<l8 )>
I was introduced to orchids back in the '80s and have ALWAYS been facinated by them.
I was unable to grow them for the last few years, due to living arrangements and other reasons (don't believe in taking on responsibility of another living thing unless I can take care of it 100%).
Anyway (most recently) my sister gave me the 3 she had (haven't flowered in 2 years, so she was going to chuck them!!!!).
Then I went to the London (Ontario, Canada) Orchid Society Show in March '07...and my "addiction" went into OVERDRIVE.
Some truly amazing species and displays...then I went to the vendors area. Bought 7 orchids:
Dendrobium Denudans (was told that this particular orchid was finished its flowering cycle and wouldn't flower for quite some time...I now have 3 flower spikes, one is just finishing its cycle, the other 2 just started their cycle...!!!!YEAH!!!!).
In all I bought 2 Dendros, 2 Vandas, 1 Ascocenda, 1 Miltassia and another that I am unsure of.
They are all doing well...then I also bought some the local supermarket.
I also joined the LOS while at the show, and was able to attend one meeting sofar.
...they had some vendors there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Picked up a Dyradela Edwallii (which went into flower for me..but dropped its flowers (not sure why), an Epidendrum that just keeps on flowering (It's nickname by me is the ENERGIZER Flower...'cause it keeps on going. I got it with a 8" flowering spike, now over 12" and still producing new buds on the same spike!), and to name another is my Vanilla Planifolia (OMG!, didn't realize what I was getting into with this one! 12" of growth in 2 weeks!...and I still have at least 20'+ till it will even flower!!). My other one that is just finishing its flowering cycle is the SMALLEST orchid & flower I have ever seen, Schoenorchis Fragrans...I was asked by a friend "...how the HECK does this orchid get pollinated in the wild! A bee landing on it will crush the flowerspike and the PLANT!!!!!..."
So I went from around 10-12 orchids to 22 now. My next to last purchase will be an Oncidium (won't have much more room).
I will post photos as soon as I have a chance to reformat their sizes.
I do have questions to ask, but will post them in the appropriate forum.
Thank you for any responses (should I not have a chance to reply quickly!)...ahead of time.