Hi. Spencer welcome to the OB, you'll enjoy it here.
I have a few Richard Mueller crosses, I'm sure you'll find a lot more on the board, what I have are.
Bl. Dan O'Conner.( Bl. RM X B. Little Stars)
Pot. Hoku Gem 'Freckles' (Bl. RM X Slc. Tangerine Jewel)
Bl. Petite Stars (Bl. RM X L. rubescens).
A friend of mine in The Batavia Orchid Society I'm sure has a lot Bl. RM crosses he's a Catt grower and breeder,
I'll have to talk to him about you. ENJOY..... Jim.
Last edited by jim blanford; 10-17-2010 at 12:33 PM..