AND Welcome to the world of orchids!
In your country there are many wonderful orchids growing in many of the states there. There are also orchid societies. I would like to recommend that you google for orchid societies in India and see if there are any that have meetings near where you live. Meeting these people will be the first step for you as you begin to explore the world of orchids.
Also here is a link to an orchid society webpage in the UK. After clicking on the front door to enter the next page, you will find in the upper left corner a link that says GENERAL INFO. Put your pointer on that link and a drop down box will appear and has links to different topics that you can read about that will tell you about orchids.
This looks like a very nice site packed full of information and advertising. Do take your time to explore it! And enjoy what you learn too!!
Click this link >
all about orchids and how to grow them