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Phals seem to be the most suggested choice for a first orchid but you need to take your "conditions" into account when deciding. Where do you plan on keeping the plant? Do you have lots of light or is the area more shaded? Will you be growing them indoors or outside?
My first orchid was a vanda...but I live in sunny Florida and grow mine outside so it was a good choice for me. Since then, I've acquired many more...and the different groupings all take a different level of care. To me, having lots of time to "play" with the 'chids is a major part of my growing conditions.
Phals are beautiful and they do make good beginner plants...after that, we'll lead you down all the other roads available
You should ask questions of the vendors at the show...they are usually very willing to help. Ask what they feel would be a good choice for you and they'll most likely ask you the same questions we've asked here
Good luck, enjoy the show!