I just learned about this site from Marty, from whom I purchased a
misting system last year. I've been poking around this board for the past few days, and I'm very impressed! What a ton of info and resources!
I live in the Redland, which is an agricultural area south and west of Miami, Florida. My husband and I have a landscape business, and we also have a 1-acre shadehouse in which we grow tropical plants. Right now, my orchids are rooming with the tropicals in the shadehouse, but that is soon to change. We are about halfway done building a 24' x 36' orchid mansion for my collection. At last count, I have a few more than 300 plants, not counting about 100+ more in seedlings.
My passions are species Bulbos and Dendrobiums - I have pro'ly around 50 species in each of these generas. I also have quite a few species Cattleyas and miscellaneous botanicals. Species rock! and I buy very few hybrids these days.
I also have an Orchidarium in my living room, which houses another 25 or so more intermediate-growing species. Some pleuros, masdies, and other super neat little miniatures.
Up until November of last year, I had a list of clients for whom I would maintain their orchid collections. Many people in Miami have large collections, but do not have the time (or knowledge) to take care of them. This was fun work, but alas, the demands of our business and nursery made it impossible to continue.
I'm very fortunate to be living in the middle of orchid paradise here in South Florida. I have about 10 different orchid nurseries within a 15 minute drive, and an annual show schedule that includes at least 5 big shows. Very hard on the budget!
I'm more of a frequent lurker on orchid forums than a frequent poster (mostly because I don't have a ton of free time!) but I wanted to take a moment to say hello so when I DO post, ya'll don't have to wonder who the heck I am!
Ok, I'm off to the nursery to begin potting about 200 Spathiglottis plicata up from 1 gallon to 3 gallon pots. (Yes, they're orchids, but they are used extensively in landscapes here.) Sunny and mid 70's today. My job don't suck!


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